"Fate will find a way."
"Mind moves matter."
"Come what may, all bad fortune is to be conquered by endurance."

NEW YORK, 2010."Hell is other people."
(Jean-Paul Sartre)

NEW YORK, 2010."We do not judge the people we love."
(Jean-Paul Sartre)

NEW YORK, 2010."Every existing thing is born without reason,
prolongs itself out of weakness, and dies by chance."
(Jean-Paul Sartre)

NEW YORK, 2010."Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens."
(Carl Jung)

NEW YORK, 2010."It all depends on how we look at things,
and not how they are in themselves."
(Carl Jung)

NEW YORK, 2008."Follow that will and that way which experience
confirms to be your own."
(Carl Jung)
Paris, France. January, 2009."Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know."
(Ernest Hemingway)
Paris, France. January, 2009."The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them."
(Ernest Hemingway)
Paris, France. January, 2009."I never had to choose a subject - my subject rather chose me."
(Ernest Hemingway)
PLACE 30Los Angeles, California. November 23, 2010."My job as a portrait photographer is to seduce, amuse and entertain."
(Helmut Newton)
Los Angeles, California. November 23, 2010."I used to hate doing color. I hated transparency film.
The way I did color was by not wanting to know what kind of film
was in my camera."
(Helmut Newton)
PLACE 28Los Angeles, California. November 23, 2010."I did find a wonderful girl last year, but the photographs that
we did were more about motorcars."
(Helmut Newton)
PLACE 27Los Angeles, California. November 23, 2010."Your joys and sorrows. You can never tell them.
You cheapen the inside of yourself if you do tell them."
(Greta Garbo)
PLACE 26Los Angeles, California. November 23, 2010."Life would be so wonderful if we only knew what to do with it."
(Greta Garbo)
PLACE 25Los Angeles, California. November 23, 2010."If only those who dream about Hollywood knew
how difficult it all is."
(Greta Garbo)
PLACE 24Orlando, Florida. November 12, 2010."That virgin, vital, beautiful day: today"
(Stephane Mallarme)
PLACE 23Orlando, Florida. November 12, 2010."The pure work implies the disappearance of the poet as speaker, who hands over to the words."
(Stephane Mallarme)
PLACE 22Orlando, Florida. November 12, 2010."Dreams have as much influence as actions."
(Stephane Mallarme)
PLACE 21Crystal River, Florida. November 14, 2010."My life has been nothing but a failure."
(Claude Monet)
PLACE 20Crystal River, Florida. November 14, 2010."No one is an artist unless he carries his picture in his head before painting it,
and is sure of his method and composition."
(Claude Monet)
PLACE 19Crystal River, Florida. November 14, 2010."Everyone discusses my art and pretends to understand,
as if it were necessary to understand,
when it is simply necessary to love."
(Claude Monet)
PLACE 18Orlando, Florida. November 12, 2010."Laughter is America's most important export."
(Walt Disney)
PLACE 17Orlando, Florida. November 12, 2010."The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."
(Walt Disney)
PLACE 16Orlando, Florida. November 12, 2010."If you can dream it, you can do it."
(Walt Disney)
PLACE 15NEW YORK, 2010."Only work which is the product of inner compulsion can have spiritual meaning."
(Walter Gropius)
PLACE 14NEW YORK, 2010."Specialists are people who always repeat the same mistakes."
(Walter Gropius)
PLACE 13NEW YORK, 2010."Architecture begins where engineering ends."
(Walter Gropius)
PLACE 12NEW YORK, 2010."The only limit to our realization of tomorrow
will be our doubts of today."
(Franklin D. Roosevelt)
PLACE 11NEW YORK, 2010."Remember you are just an extra in everyone else's play."
(Franklin D. Roosevelt)
PLACE 10NEW YORK, 2010."Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds."
(Franklin D. Roosevelt)
OBJECT 11NEW YORK, 2010."Beware of the person of one book."
(Saint Thomas Aquinas)
OBJECT 10NEW YORK, 2010."Wonder is the desire for knowledge."
(Saint Thomas Aquinas)
OBJECT 09NEW YORK, 2010."To live well is to work well, to show a good activity."
(Saint Thomas Aquinas)
OBJECT 08NEW YORK, 2010."Love takes up where knowledge leaves off."
(Saint Thomas Aquinas)
REPORTAGE 15NEW YORK. SEPTEMBER, 2010."It has bothered me all my life that I do not paint like everybody else."
(Henri Matisse)
REPORTAGE 14NEW YORK. SEPTEMBER, 2010."Work cures everything."
(Henri Matisse)
REPORTAGE 13NEW YORK. SEPTEMBER, 2010."There are always flowers for those who want to see them."
(Henri Matisse)
REPORTAGE 12NEW YORK. SEPTEMBER, 2010."Life is a horizontal fall."
(Jean Cocteau)
REPORTAGE 11NEW YORK. SEPTEMBER, 2010."Art is a marriage of the conscious and the unconscious."
(Jean Cocteau)
REPORTAGE 10NEW YORK. SEPTEMBER, 2010."The poet doesn't invent. He listens."
(Jean Cocteau)
REPORTAGE 09NEW YORK. FEBRUARY, 2010."It is only at the first encounter that a face makes
its full impression on us."
(Arthur Schopenhauer)
REPORTAGE 08NEW YORK. FEBRUARY, 2010."Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision
for the limits of the world."
(Arthur Schopenhauer)
REPORTAGE 07NEW YORK. FEBRUARY, 2010."Wealth is like sea-water; the more we drink, the thirstier we become;
and the same is true of fame."
(Arthur Schopenhauer)
PLACE 09BRAZIL. FLORIANOPOLIS, 2008."The dose makes the poison."
PLACE 08BRAZIL. FLORIANOPOLIS, 2008."Thoughts create a new heaven, a new firmament,
a new source of energy, from which new arts flow."
PLACE 07BRAZIL. FLORIANOPOLIS, 2008."What the eyes perceive in herbs or stones or trees is not yet a remedy; the eyes see only the dross."
EMANATION 03NEW YORK, 2009."Photography is truth. The cinema is truth twenty-four times per second."
(Jean-Luc Godard)